
BG Daniel Morgan


Books in the CRC Library (with call number first):

E181 .U825 2009 V.2  U.S. Leadership in Wartime: Clashes, Controversy, and Compromise. Spencer Tucker.

E207 .M8 H5 1979      Daniel Morgan: Revolutionary Rifleman. Don Higginbotham.

E207 .M8 Z36 2018     Daniel Morgan: A Revolutionary Life. Albert Louis Zambone.

E263 .N8 B83 1997     The Road to Guilford Courthouse: The American Revolution in the Carolinas. John Buchanan.



“Daniel Morgan.” American Battlefield Trust.

“Daniel Morgan (Video): In 4 Minutes.” American Battlefield Trust.


Online article:

“A Legacy of Principles and Leadership: Decisive Victory at Cowpens.” Brady Dearden. Infantry Online. ProQuest Military Database.


Online books:

The Life of General Daniel Morgan: Of the Virginia Line of the Army of the United States, With Portions of His Correspondence; Comp. From Authentic Sources. James Graham. Hathitrust Online.

The Hero of Cowpens: A Revolutionary Sketch. Rebecca McConkey. Hathitrust Online.

Cowpens Papers: Being Correspondence of General Morgan and the Prominent Actors. Theodorus Bailey Myers. Hathitrust Online.



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