









Information Warfare Conference 2024


Writing Assignment


The documents below have been discussed in your Writing Course in preparation for attending the Information Warfare Conference:



Formatting and Citations:


You will use the Turabian (Chicago) style to format your paper.  Citations will be parenthetical (a.k.a. in-text) with a Reference List instead of footnotes/endnotes with a bibliography. 


You will be using the Author-Date style of citation formatting, so information on your source is placed directly in the text.  After the relevant phrase or sentence, you will add the author’s last name, year for the reference, and any applicable page numbers. Each source’s complete information will be provided on the Reference List page at the end of your paper.  


The information below comes from Kate Turabian's A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, Ninth Edition and will contain further explanation, citation formats, and examples for multiple types of sources (e.g. books, articles, webpages, speakers, etc.).


The Librarians at the Cyber Research Center are available to answer any questions regarding research skills, database searching, writing, formatting, and citations.  




Hours of Operation

Monday - Thursday

0900 - 1700


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