
BG Gabriel J. Rains (IEDs/Torpedoes)

Books in the CRC Library (with call number first):

E467.1 .R3 W38 2017         Gabriel Rains and the Confederate Torpedo Bureau. W. Davis Waters and Joseph I. Brown.

E468.9 .A88 2016               Astride Two Worlds: Technology and the American Civil War. Barton C. Hacker.

E591 .M44 2012                  War on the Waters: The Union and Confederate Navies, 1861-1865. James M. McPherson.

E596 .L8713 1996               A History of the Confederate Navy. Raimondo Luraghi.

V856.5 .U6 R35 2011          Confederate Torpedoes: Two Illustrated 19th Century Works with New Appendices and Photographs. Gabriel J. Rains and Peter S. Michie.


ProQuest book:

Civil War Heavy Explosive Ordnance: A Guide to Large Artillery Projectiles, Torpedoes and Mines. Jack Bell.

Confederate Saboteurs: Building the Hunley and Other Secret Weapons of the Civil War. Mark K. Ragan.


ProQuest article:

"Electric Torpedoes in the Confederacy: Reconciling Conflicting Histories."  Timothy S. Wolters. The Journal of Military History.



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