
Fort McAllister

Books in the CRC Library (with call number first):

E476.69 .N61 1865             The Story of the Great March: From the Diary of a Staff Officer. George Ward Nichols.

E477.41 .D87 2008             Guardian of Savannah: Fort McAllister, Georgia, in the Civil War and Beyond. Roger S. Durham.

E477.41 .F677 D87 2004    Fort McAllister. Roger S. Durham.

E477.41 .L58 1997              Among the Best Men the South Could Boast: The Fall of Fort McAllister, December 13, 1864. Gary Livingston.

Online book:

"March to the Sea - From Atlanta to Savannah," "Savannah to Pocotaligo," and "Campaign of the Carolinas."  Memoirs of General William T. Sherman, Volume II. Pages 171-321.

ProQuest book:

“Fort McAllister Falls.” The Perfect Scout: A Soldier's Memoir of the Great March to the Sea and the Campaign of the Carolinas.  George W. Quimby, Anne Sarah Rubin, and Stephen Murphy. Pages 75-78.

ProQuest article:

"Fort McAllister's Trial by Fire." Jeffery S. Mosser. America's Civil War.



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