
General Resources – The Battle of Cowpens


Books in the CRC Library (with call number first):

E181 .T933 2014       “Battle of Cowpens.” Battles that Changed American History: 100 of the Greatest Victories and Defeats. Spencer Tucker.

E208 .B687 2014      “Cowpens, January 17, 1781.” Continental versus Redcoat: American Revolutionary War. David Bonk and Johnny Shumate.

E230 .S75 2007         Patriot Battles: How the War of Independence Was Fought. Michael Stephenson.

E236 .W377 2020     To the End of the World: Nathanael Greene, Charles Cornwallis, and the Race to the Dan. Andrew Waters.

E241 .C9 B33 1998   A Devil of a Whipping: The Battle of Cowpens. Lawrence E. Babits.

E241 .C9 M66 1996  The Cowpens Staff Ride and Battlefield Tour. LTC John Moncure.

E241 .C9 M67 1991  The Patriots at the Cowpens. Bobby Gilmer Moss.

E241 .C9 U56 2014   The Battle of Cowpens Staff Ride Reading Book. Steven J. Rauch.

E263 .M3 O36 2016 “Cowpens.” Washington’s Immortals: The Untold Story of an Elite Regiment Who Changed the Course of the Revolution. Patrick K. O’Donnell.

E236 .N8 B83 1997   The Road to Guilford Courthouse: The American Revolution in the Carolinas. John Buchanan.



The American Revolution and Its Era: Maps and Charts of North America and the West Indies, 1750-1789. Library of Congress.

The Battle of Cowpens. Journal of the American Revolution: Battle of Cowpens.

The American Battlefield Trust - Information on the Battle of Cowpens:

Battle of Cowpens - January 17, 1781 (American Revolutionary War.) (Video.) The History Dude.

Cowpens: A Brilliant Victory (The Southern Campaign.) (Video.) South Carolina ETV.

Cowpens National Battlefield. National Park Service.

General Resources – Revolutionary War. US Army Center for Military History.


Online articles:

“The Battle of Cowpens: A Turning Point in the American Revolution.” Sgt. Maj. Katelyn J. Ventura. NCO Journal.

“A Legacy of Principles and Leadership: Decisive Victory at Cowpens” Brady Dearden. Infantry Online. ProQuest Military Database.


Online books:

Cowpens Papers: Being Correspondence of General Morgan and the Prominent Actors. Theodorus Bailey Myers. Hathitrust Online.

Cowpens: "Downright Fighting": the Story of Cowpens. Thomas J. Fleming. Hathitrust Online.


Command and General Staff College Monographs:

“Back to the Future: The British Southern Campaign, 1780-1781.” MAJ W. David Brinkley.

A Comparative Evaluation of British and American Strategy in the Southern Campaign of 1780-1781.” MAJ Joel Anthony Woodward.

“Conduct of the Partisan War in the Revolutionary War South.” LCDR Kristen E. Jacobsen.

“Early Operational Art: Nathanael Greene’s Carolina Campaign, 1780-1781.” MAJ Thomas B. Bennett.

“Nathanael Greene’s Implementation of Compound Warfare during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolution.” MAJ Todd J. Johnson.

“Operational Art and Insurgency War: Nathanael Greene’s Campaign in the Carolinas.” MAJ Edward E. Hoffer.

“Redcoat Resupply! Strategic Logistics and Operational Indecision in the American Revolutionary War, 1775-1783.” MAJ John A. Tokar.

“The Failure of British Strategy during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolutionary War, 1780-1781.” MAJ Jesse T. Pearson.


Southern Campaign:

E230.5 .S6 G67 2002            South Carolina and the American Revolution: A Battlefield History. John W. Gordon.

E230.5 .S7 L85 1987             From Savannah to Yorktown: The American Revolution in the South. Henry Lumpkin.

E230.5 .S7 S95 2008            The Revolutionary War in the Southern Back Country. James K. Swisher.

E230.5 .S7 W36 1970           The Partisan War: The South Carolina Campaign of 1780-1782. Russell F. Weighley.

E263 .N8 B83 1997               The Road to Guilford Courthouse: The American Revolution in the Carolinas. John Buchanan.

E263 .S7 P36 1985                This Destructive War: The British Campaign in the Carolinas, 1780-1782. John S. Pancake.



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