
MG Joseph Wheeler


Books in the CRC Library (with call number first):

E467 .K226 2002                “Joseph Wheeler.” American Civil War Commanders, 4: Confederate Leaders in the West. Philip R. N. Katcher and Richard Hook.

E467.1 .W5 D973 1961       From Shiloh to San Juan: the Life of “Fightin’ Joe” Wheeler. John P. Dyer.

E467.1 .W5 L66 2007         A Soldier to the Last: Major General Joseph Wheeler in Blue and Gray. Edward G. Longacre.

E476.69 .M37 2005             Sherman's March to the Sea. John F. Marszalek.


Online book:

General Joseph Wheeler and the Army of the Tennessee. John Witherspoon Du Bose.


ProQuest article:

"Head to Head."  Tom. Elmoare. Civil War Times Illustrated.



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