Operational Intelligence
Books in the CRC Library (with call number first):
E230.55 .J646 2007 Nathanael Greene's Implementation of Compound Warfare during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolution. Todd J. Johnson.
E279 .D35 2014 Spies, Patriots, and Traitors: American Intelligence in the Revolutionary War. Kenneth A. Daigler.
E279 .R67 2006 Washington's Spies: The Story of America's First Spy Ring. Alexander Rose.
JF1525 .I6 A53 2018 “Intelligence and American Independence.” The Secret World: A History of Intelligence. Christopher M. Andrew.
“American Spies of the Revolution.” Mount Vernon. Mount Vernon Ladies’ Organization.
“Revolutionary War.” Evolution of Espionage in America. Office of the Director of National Intelligence.
ProQuest books:
“Upon Secrecy, Success Depends”: Intelligence Operations during the Southern Campaign of the American Revolution (A Thesis). Kristen M. Seielstad. ProQuest Ebook Central Database.
“The Revolutionary War.” Spying in America: Espionage from the Revolutionary War to the Dawn of the Cold War. (Pages 13-60). Michael J. Sulick. ProQuest Ebook Central Database.
Broadsides and Bayonets: The Propaganda War of the American Revolution. Carl Berger. ProQuest Ebook Central Database.