
Operational Sustainment (Logistics/Supplies)


Books in the CRC Library (with call number first):

E181 .A44 2004 V.1           American Military History Volume 1: The United States Army and the Forging of a Nation, 1775-1917. Richard W. Stewart.

E181 .H345 2001               American Military Heritage. William W. Hartzog.

E259 .R57 1981                 Supplying Washington’s Army. Erna Risch.

U168 .H8 1988                   The Sinews of War: Army Logistics, 1775-1953. James A. Huston.

UC34 .R5 1989                  Quartermaster Support of the Army: A History of the Corps, 1775-1939. Erna Risch.

UC263 .U55 1997              United States Army Logistics, 1775-1992: An Anthology. Charles R. Shrader.


ProQuest article:

Tokar, John A. "Logistics and the British Defeat in the Revolutionary War: Army Logistician." Army Logistician 31, no. 5: 42-47.



Hours of Operation

Monday - Thursday

0900 - 1700


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Fort Eisenhower, GA 30905