
Carolina Campaign/Battle of Aiken (Cyber) Resources:




Psyops/Total War


Books in the CRC (links to full-text books in ProQuest when available):

E467.1 .S55 M66 2011         Demon of the Lost Cause: Sherman and Civil War History  Wesley Moody.

E467.1 .S55 R45 2020         The Scourge of War: The Life of William Tecumseh Sherman. Brian Holden Reid.

E467.1 .S55 W83 2009        Sherman. Steven E. Woodworth.

E468.9 .S94 2005                 Upon the Altar of the Nation: A Moral History of the Civil War. Harry S. Stout.

E476.69 .C37 2015               Sherman’s Ghosts: Soldiers, Civilians, and the American Way of War. Matthew Carr.

E476.69 .G53 1995              The March to the Sea and Beyond: Sherman's Troops in the Savannah and Carolinas Campaigns. Joseph T. Glatthaar.

E476.69 .R48 1984              Sherman's March and Vietnam. James Reston, Jr. 

E477.41 .B35 2003               War and Ruin: William T. Sherman and the Savannah Campaign. Anne J. Bailey.

E608 .F57 1996                  The Secret War for the Union: The Untold Story of Military Intelligence in the Civil War. Edwin C. Fishel.

U41 .B582 2010                    The Age of Total War, 1860-1945. Jeremy Black.


DVD in the CRC:

E476.69 .S54 2007 DVD #10241    Sherman's March: The Shocking Campaign that Ended the Civil War.


ProQuest books:

Sherman and Nimitz: Examples of Modern Information Operations. Major Ricky J. Nussio.


ProQuest articles:

"Sherman's War." Victor Davis Hanson. American Heritage.

"Shutting the Gates of Mercy: The American Origins of Total War, 1860-1880." Lance Janda. The Journal of Military History.

"The Warfare of General William Tecumseh Sherman: A Reexamination." Miles Mathews. University of Wyoming Dissertation Publishing.



Websites/Online articles:

Civil War/Total War: The Extent of Battle from 1861 to 1865. History on the Net.

Sherman and Total War. History, War, and Politics.

Total War: The Civil War's Effect on the Home FrontPaige Gibbons Backus. American Battlefield Trust.

Was the Civil War a Total War? Mark E. Neely. Civil War History.



The American Civil War – Total War.



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0900 - 1700


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