
CIMR Archive:


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CCoE Intel Minute Report (CIMR)


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From Dave May, Senior Cyber Intelligence Advisor at the CCoE at Fort Eisenhower, GA:

This is a "weekly series designed to improve your overall understanding of the operational environment (EO).  A grounded and relevant understanding of the OE provides a solid foundation to assist you in your daily duties of helping TRADOC and AFC design, acquire, build and improve the Army.  

Each week, you will receive a short unclassified report or graphic describing some aspect of our adversaries' capabilities.

If you have specific questions or would like to request additional unclassified information on a particular topic, please feel to reach out to Dave May:

or the Threat Management Office:

If your mission requires additional detailed classified information on this topic, please send a RFI to the CCoE Threat Team NCO



Hours of Operation

Monday - Thursday

0900 - 1700


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Bldg. 33500, 549 Rice Road

Fort Eisenhower, GA 30905